Beef trends in NKY

First off, we are so thankful to our current and new customers for their business, especially during these times. We are going through a time with the Corona Virus that most of us would have never imagined we would. A time like this makes us proud of our operation. I think everyone is getting a glimpse of how the food system works and seeing the benefits in purchasing directly from a local farmer. I hope more of our local farmers will jump on the opportunity to restructure their operation and consider marketing directly to their consumers. We are near sold out of packaged beef and pork and processing dates at the butcher shop of choice are far into the future. We do have dates pre scheduled so we are hopeful to be able to provide for our current customers and experience some growth during this time as well.

Convenience has always been a focus for us at Three16 Ranch. We are proud to offer Grass Fed Beef to the Northern Kentucky area. We are seeing customers from our small town of Warsaw, Walton, Union, Burlington, Florence, even Alexandria, Independence and about a month and a half ago a friend of one of our customers drove down from Ohio. They are thankful for the conveniences we offer such as taking credit card purchases, flexible appointment times and possible delivery.

We are still proud to offer a TRUE Grass Fed, local Beef product. The current demand could make it tempting to purchase additional cattle and finish them faster on grain, however, we would rather stick to our grass fed operation and resist the temptation for HUGE growth. We are thankful for abundantly grassy pastures for our cattle to graze and fatten up on. Grass Fed Beef is truly better for the cattle, better for the land and better for the consumer.

Thank you NKY for supporting our Grass Fed Beef product at Three16 Ranch!

To place an order you can call Amber 859-240-5386 or email We are scheduling pick up times at the farm.


Farming can have good days and bad…


New life on the Ranch